Saturday 12 March 2011

Greedy Diva: Out of Office

The flat white at Proud Mary, GD's new spiritual home

Greedy Diva is out of the office.

She is currently gorging in a mad-capped, flat white drinking frenzy in Melbourne. You may reach her in one of the 15 million amazingly good cafes which seem to have sprung up over Melbourne in the past 2 years, possibly drowning under the weight of the avocado and corn chilli salsa toast at Proud Mary. Or the ricotta hotcakes. Alternatively, try anywhere selling large bowls of seafood pasta by the beach or fabulous, fresh and zingy Thai food. The blog will have to wait - it's sunny outside.


  1. I hope you have an AWESOME time down under!!!

  2. Hating you right now *weeps with jealousy and home sickness*

  3. While you're down there, you have to write about those "dim sims" that I heard about via Mr. Noodles. : )

    What a great time of year to be there, too. Enjoy!

  4. Can you feel the envy... Have a bloody great time Diva!

  5. Have a great time - that coffee shot awoke my caffeine cravings. Love a flat white!


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